CODE - Registration and Student Charge Payment

This registration is valid only for scheduled 'California State and Local Government' Exam administrations at California State University, East Bay. In order to have your registration complete, enter all the required information below (except for your middle initial), and then click the SUBMIT button. You will be directed to the payment page. Fill in your payment information and click SUBMIT once. Test Registration fees are non-refundable and/or non-transferable.

You will automatically be charged the appropriate student charge for the 'California State and Local Government' Exam and it will show this dollar amount on your Confirmation and Receipt page. When you use this service to make a payment, there is an additional non-refundable 2.9% service charge applied to your charge card.

Attention: Submit a request to Testing Office Email: to change or edit your registration, within 24 hours, as it cannot be changed on the Confirmation and Receipt page. Print a copy of your Confirmation and Receipt page, and do not discard this page as it is your record and proof of registration for future reference.

  • Please do not use apostrophes. Example: Enter OBrien, not O'Brien
Personal Information (All fields are required unless stated otherwise)
    [ yyyy ]
[Only enter your 5-digit zip code]
[Enter area code first, then 7-digit phone number - only numbers]
Exam Selection
You can take this exam only twice. If you register for a test and have taken it twice before, your test will not be evaluated and your registration student charge will not be refunded.
Exam Type: